Rukai Data
Rukaidata is a website that renders hitboxes and displays framedata for Brawl and its most popular mods. To see what its really about look at one of the subaction pages.
It started off as an exporter of character data into my own platform fighter engine. And it worked pretty well.
And while this was super cool, it didn't up being a direction I wanted to take the project. So my engine took another direction, but I had this really cool brawl file exporter lying around.
Being an active player of Project M I realized that this exporter could be used to seriously improve the state of framedata. At the time framedata had to be painstakingly manually compiled by players and every time a new version of a mod was released all the existing data would become outdated.
So I wrote rukaidata to automate the collection of framedata and bring all of the scattered framedata forum threads into one website. brawllib_rs parses the game files, interprets the scripts within, keeping track of all the framedata along the way. It then exposes this data as:
- a native/wasm app that visualizes the hitboxes in 3D
- a programmatic API giving access to the high level framedata of each move.
Rukaidata then, using brawllib_rs as dependency, embeds the visualiser app in every page, generates an html table for all the hitboxes and lists out all the scripts.
If you're curious for more details I have a writeup that talks about the technical details of exporting framedata from brawl. I also have a talk that I gave to my local rust meetup in Sydney where I explain my motivations in building the site and also the rust libraries that made it possible